National Latino AIDS Awareness Day Event

Consulate General of Mexico in San Jose 302 Enzo Dr. , Suite 200, San Jose, CA, United States

The Mexican Consulate of San Jose is inviting representatives of partner organizations to provide testimonials about the benefits of Binational Health Week and how collaborations with the Public Health Department...


WeWork offices 1111 Broadway, 3rd floor, Oakland, CA, United States

12 y 13 de octubre, 2019 9 am - 5 pm Capacitación para activismo comunitario (en español) 1111 Broadway, 3rcer Piso Oakland, CA (cercas de 12th Street/City Center BART) ¿Eres...

Latinx Visionaries Luncheon

Mexican American Unity Council 2300 W. Commerce St., San Antonio, TX, United States

Our goal is to host a luncheon and awareness event for people who are not normally part of the conversation on HIV/AIDS who would be engaged to break stigma and...

Tus Quince

Location 05 450 W 31st Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY, United States

State of Latino Sexual Health in NYC Community Forum & Dinner & Dancing after Foro Comunitario Sobre la Salud Sexual delos Latinos en Nueva York y despues una fiesta y...


Riverside Manor 27 E 33rd St, Paterson, NJ, United States

6pm Dinner presentation about Stigma  by Dr. Jesi Ramone @ Riverside Manor, Paterson Wednesday october 16 Presentación en la Casa Bilingue

Panel Discussion: Culture, Diaspora & Health Promotion

Mixteca 245 23rd Street, 2nd Floor, Brooklyn, United States

Transdiaspora Network is commemorating National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) as part of Hispanic Heritage Month by hosting a panel discussion that will elicit a dialogue among local leaders and...

Community Resource Fair

Translatinx Network 137 W 19th Street, New York, NY, United States

The First Annual Translatinx Network LGBTQ+ Resource Fair will be an opportunity for our community to meet face to face with providers of a multifaceted range of services. TN will...

NLAAD Proclamation – Laredo, Texas

Virtual , United States

This will be a virtual event where a proclamation will be made by the City of Laredo and Webb County to commemorate the day and week as National Latinx AIDS...