El 15 de octubre es el Día Nacional Latino de Concientización sobre el VIH/SIDA. Es importante reconocer los avances para...
News & Announcements
Special 20-Year Anniversary Event: NLAAD and its Rockstars From Beginning Till Today
National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day is turning 20 years and what better moment to reunite all the Directors who have...
NLAAD Announces 2023 Webinar Series with Special Focus on Latinos Accessing PrEP
The NLAAD webinar series will kick off TODAY at 3PM ET with a discussion about what is needed to make...
Registration is Open for NLAAD 2023 Events; including ordering HIV tests and posters
Are you hosting a Testing event? co-organizing a health fair? doing outreach, HIV education? or creating HIV awareness in any...
Launching of National Latino AIDS Awareness Day 2023: “Do it your Way. Do it Right.”
New York, August 30, 2023— October 15 is National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD). NLAAD promotes HIV Testing, prevention, and...
NLAAD celebrates 20 years promoting HIV/AIDS education in the Latino community
First observed in 2003, the National Latino AIDS Awareness Day is celebrating its 20-year anniversary. NLAAD’s first campaign theme was...
AIDSVu Releases New Data Highlighting Inequities in PrEP Use among Black and Hispanic People
AIDSVu has released PrEP use data and maps by race/ethnicity at the state-level for 2022, showing that while PrEP use...
Geographic mobility impacts vulnerability to HIV among gay and bisexual Latino migrants to the US
Gay and bisexual Latino migrants in the United States, especially but not only those who are undocumented, are vulnerable to...
NLAAD: HIV in Hispanics/Latinos During the year 2020
Credits: this summary of the impact of HIV among Hispanics/Latinos by gender, sexual orientation and age group has been prepared...
Registration of NLAAD events is open, and HIV testing kits request form available for NLAAD 2022 campaign.
Creating awareness in the Hispanic/Latino Community through events nationwide has been the main goal of NLAAD through the years. Now...
Registrations Open for NLAAD Webinar Series 2022
Tuesday October 4th, 3pm “A different PrEP Option: A Presentation for PrEP Professionals” Apretude is the first and only long...
Launching of National Latino AIDS Awareness Day 2022: “You Choose!”
New York, September 15, 2022- October 15th is National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD). NLAAD’s campaign brings together Hispanic/Latinx communities and...