NLAAD Presentation at Loisaida TV

NLAAD Presentation at Loisaida TV

Luis A Mares, LMSW , Director of Community Mobilization at the Latino Commission on AIDS was invited by the Loisaida Center TV from Acacia network, for one episode in their programing, to talk about NLAAD and the work the Commission does about not just on awareness about HIV in the Latinx Community, but about all...

October 14, 2020October 30, 2020by
Ryan White and Latinx AIDS Awareness Day

Ryan White and Latinx AIDS Awareness Day

Latinos represent 26% of new HIV diagnoses in the United States, but make only 18.3% of the overall population (CDC, 2020). Most new HIV cases among Latinos are among men who have sex with men, MSM; these increases are concentrated in Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, New York, Texas, and Puerto Rico (CDC, 2018). Nearly three-quarters of RWHAP clients are from racial/ethnic minority populations. According to the 2018 HRSA client...

October 7, 2020October 7, 2020by
Register for the Latest News: Advancing the Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative during COVID-19

Register for the Latest News: Advancing the Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative during COVID-19

The Latino Commission on AIDS (LCOA) will host a webinar entitled “Advancing the Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative during COVID-19” on Wednesday, October 14th. Guest speaker Harold Phillips, Chief Operating Officer of the Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America(EHE) initiative, will talk about EHE’s goals and how to achieve them while navigating the...

October 7, 2020October 7, 2020by
AIDSVu Recognizes National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day

AIDSVu Recognizes National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day

Today on National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD), AIDSVu highlights the disproportionate impact of HIV on Hispanic/Latinx persons in the United States, as well as the ongoing need for inclusive and representative HIV services. To this end, AIDSVu is proud to release infographics in both Spanish and English, in partnership with the Latino Commission on...

October 15, 2019September 10, 2020by
Vu Q&A: Guillermo Chacon on HIV/AIDS in the Latinx Community

Vu Q&A: Guillermo Chacon on HIV/AIDS in the Latinx Community

Guillermo Chacón is the President of the Latino Commission on AIDS (the Commission). He also founded the Hispanic Health Network and played a key role in the creation of National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) Q: You have been with the Latino Commission on AIDS for more than 24 years. What motivated you to get...

October 15, 2019October 15, 2019by
The U.S. Congress Recently Recognized “U=U.” Here’s How It Happened.

The U.S. Congress Recently Recognized “U=U.” Here’s How It Happened.

In a major step forward for HIV vaccine research, the U.S. research agency will partner with a pharmaceutical company on a large-scale, advanced-stage clinical study on an HIV vaccine. If the trial is successful, the vaccine may become the first ever to be approved for HIV prevention. But the rise of PrEP has created unexpected...

October 9, 2019October 9, 2019by