NLAAD Workshop

COAC 333 West 39th Street, Suite 201, New York, NY, United States

COAC will be offering a mini-workshop discussing U=U, PrEP options, and medication management to individuals. Condoms, pill boxes and other items will be distributed at this event.


Zoom , United States

Cada 15 de Octubre se conmemora el Dia nacional latino de Concientizacion acerca del SIDA (NLAAD por sus siglas en ingles). Este año NLAAD se enfoca en los 40 años que han pasadodes el primer diagnostic de AIDS en nuesto pais y los avances medico-cientificos que nos han colocado en una posicion e la cual...


Honrando nuestras raíces mientras luchamos en contra del VIH

Virtual NYC NY, United States

El Northeast/Caribbean AIDS Education and Training Center, en colaboración con Primary Care Development Corporation (PCDC), le invitan a participar en un webinar sobre el trabajo que se ha realizado en torno a la prevención del VIH en este último año, en tiempos de COVID-19. Registracion en el siguiente link: e2NECA | The very best for...

NLAAD 2021 Webinar #1: Vaccines against HIV

Zoom , United States

DESCRIPTION: After 40 years of HIV Pandemic, we still have not found a vaccine, but the efforts continue. In this webinar, we will be presenting an overview of vaccines for HIV and will discuss the different types of vaccines, the development process for vaccines, how safety is monitored for vaccines and development of an HIV...

NLAAD 2021 webinar #2: After 40 years of HIV epidemic: U=U it’s perspective

Zoom , United States

In early 2016, a life-changing fact was turned into a campaign that communicate that a person living with HIV who has an undetectable viral load cannot transmit HIV to sexual partners. In other words, Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U). 40 years after the start of the HIV epidemic, U=U is revolutionizing what it means to live...

NLAAD 2021 Webinar #3: 40 years of HIV epidemic in the US

Learn about the 40 years of HIV Epidemic in the US. From the uncertain dark beginnings of the epidemic when an entire generation of Americans died due to HIV related illness, through the progress of medicine and science getting us to today when we can say we have the tools to end this epidemic. Also,...

NLAAD Webinar 2: “Long Acting Treatment for HIV”

Zoom , United States

A different way to treat HIV and stay undetectable by monthly or bimonthly injections. Cabenuva is the only complete HIV treatment that can be gotten every month or every other month. ViiV is presenting this webinar with information about this new medication to treat HIV.


NLAAD Webinar 3: “Monkey Pox 2022 Outbreak Update and its effect on PLWH”

Zoom , United States

Monkeypox virus is an orthopoxvirus that causes a disease with symptoms similar, but less severe, to smallpox. While smallpox was eradicated in 1980, monkeypox continues to occur in countries of central and west Africa. There is a current outbreak of this disease around the globe affecting mostly member of the LGBTQ community. On this webinar...


Rompiendo Barreras/Breaking Barriers

Pridelines 6360 NE 4th Ct, Miami, FL, United States

a yearly mini conference to raise awareness in the Hispanic community in south Florida, always with a different format. and also celebrate the closing of the Hispanic Heritage month

Chasing Film Screening in honor of National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day

Reach LA 1400 E. Olympic Blvd. #240, Los Angeles, CA, United States

We are thrilled to invite you to the highly anticipated release of the short film "Chasing" on October 19th in partnership with REACH LA. "Chasing" is a compelling short film that addresses the intersection of HIV, substance use, and overdose within the Latinx and Black gay community. It is a powerful exploration of critical issues...


Latinos en Conexion 901

Shelby Farms Park 6903 Great View Dr N, Memphis, TN, United States

During this event we will be education the local Latinx/Hispanic community on STI and HIV prevention, advocacy on sexual and reproductive rights (focused on Hispanics). We will also conduct HIV testing and share resources for people living with HIV/AIDS. Other organizations present will discuss immigration services, etc. Among the activities are knowledge games, free food...
