Panel Discussion: Culture, Diaspora & Health Promotion

Mixteca 245 23rd Street, 2nd Floor, Brooklyn, United States

Transdiaspora Network is commemorating National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) as part of Hispanic Heritage Month by hosting a panel discussion that will elicit a dialogue among local leaders and...

Community Resource Fair

Translatinx Network 137 W 19th Street, New York, NY, United States

The First Annual Translatinx Network LGBTQ+ Resource Fair will be an opportunity for our community to meet face to face with providers of a multifaceted range of services. TN will...

NLAAD Proclamation – Laredo, Texas

Virtual , United States

This will be a virtual event where a proclamation will be made by the City of Laredo and Webb County to commemorate the day and week as National Latinx AIDS...