Testing at G Latino Karaoke Night – Bay Shore, NY

LGBT Network 34 Park Avenue, Bay Shore, NY New York

En conmemoración del mes de la Herencia Hispana y del Día Nacional Latino para la Concientización del SIDA (NLAAD), la red LGBT Network te invita a una noche de música y compañerismo: Karaoke Mixer en G Latino. ¡Ven a cantar tus canciones favoritas! (Requisito: ser desafinado y tener muchas ganas de divertirte) todo mientras haces...

H.O.P.E. Health Fair – El Paso, TX

Opportunity Center for the Homeless 1208 Myrtle Street, El Paso, TX, United States

Providing free HIV m Syphilis and hepatitis C  screenings

Get yourself Tested Event – Cicero, IL

Morton East School Based Health Center 2423 S Austin Blvd, Cicero, IL, United States

We will be testing youth and community members for HIV, Gonorrhea and Chlamydia. We want to reduce the number of HIV and STD infections in young people ages 15 -24 which is considered the highest age group with HIV and STDs

Black Gay-la awards – Durham, NC

321 W Geer St, Durham, NC, United States

Community HIV awareness event Std/Sti awareness dinner and community engagement.

GMAAN HIV Testing Event

Various places in DC and Georgetown Campus 1421 Massachusetts Ave, Washington, DC, United States

Offering HIV and STI testing to students at Georgetown University and throughout the community

Semana Binacional de Salud

Servicios de La Raza 3131 W. 14th Ave., Denver, CO, United States

Binational Health Week is held annually in all 50 entities in the United States of America. It is a mobilization of efforts by community organizations, federal and state agencies, and volunteers to improve the health and well-being of migrants in the United States, increase access to local medical services, and increase health insurance coverage. This...

Escuela Popular Health Fair

Escuela Popular High School 149 N White Rd, San Jose, CA, United States

In collaboration with Escuela Popular High School, the STD/HIV Prevention and Control Program will provide information on health, nutrition, vaccines, CPR, immigration and community services. Free health screenings including cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, HIV, hepatitis C, and STDs will be available to all attendees. Entertainment shows will be available as well. En colaboración con la...

HIV and STI Confidential Testing

Livingston Student Center 84 Joyce Kilmer Avenue, Piscataway, NJ, United States

Free and confidential HIV and STI Testing for Rutgers University Students

NLAAD (Fall Festival)

Centro Communitario del Suroeste 6401 Baseline Road, Little Rock, AR, United States

Every year we celebrate NLAAD, with different activities where the community enjoys, as a family Offered different tests like , HIV-Hepatitis C, Exam, in sexual transmission, Information on the importance of using protection. Where we gather about 25 organizations, which offer their services to our community. Every year 500-600 people attendee.

National Latino AIDS Awareness Day at Iris House

Iris House 2348 Adam Clayton Powell Blvd, New York, NY, United States

Iris House is going to provide HIV testing, offer Hep C and STI testing. We will also have prevention/HIV games to play with the individuals who come in for testing. Everyone who gets tested will receive lunch (Spanish food) and a metro card

28th Street-Chelsea Take the Train? Take the Test!

Oasis Latino LGBTS Wellness Center 330 7th Avenue, Suite 2001, New York, NY, United States

In 2018, Latinx accounted for nearly one-third of all new HIV diagnoses in NYC. National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day is a day to increase awareness about how HIV impacts the Latinx community and what we need to do to end the spread of HIV. This is also a day of action, we will provide free...