Latest Past Events

Gavilán College Annual Health Fair

Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Blvd, Gilroy

In collaboration with the AES and Associated Students of Gavilán College, the SCCPHD STD/HIV Prevention and Control Program will be providing linguistically and culturally appropriate information on STD/HIV transmission and...

Sigue la Lucha Contra el VIH (The Fight Against HIV Continues!)

Mixteca Organization, Inc 245 23rd Street, 2nd floor, Brooklyn

The Fight Against HIV Continues! Did you know that Mixteca Organization was formed in 2000 through an awareness campaign on the prevention and education of HIV and AIDS? In commemoration...

GMAAN HIV Testing Event

Various places in DC and Georgetown Campus 1421 Massachusetts Ave, Washington

Offering HIV and STI testing to students at Georgetown University and throughout the community