En honor al Día Nacional Latino Para la Concientización del SIDA, una coalición de organizaciones lideradas por el NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene ofrecerán la prueba del VIH en estaciones de tren. El evento se realizará en todos los condados. Los organizadores administrarán el prueba rápida del VIH, el cual brinda resultados en...
Celebrating Hispanic Culture! With activities for the whole family! At Mi Pueblo in Pelham on October 14th from 9:30 to 1. Checks for the adults: Glucose checks, blood pressure checks and HIV screenings ($5 Mi Pueblo coupon as an incentive). Fun for the kids: face painting, clowns, balloons. Representatives from HICA!, ACIJ and Adelante may...
Join Rising Against All Odds as we recognize National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day. Free HIV Testing, WVHA Application assistance, Connection with Community Resources. Food, drinks, and fun for the whole family.